Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The initial idea was not to write until I feel better and can write something that makes some sense (mmm,kay… I did not say lots of sense or you would think you are reading the wrong blog) I gave up the initial idea simply because it feels like I am NEVER going to feel better.
Yes… I know I will… feel better… eventually…but honestly it only matters if I can feel better NOW.
Can it be NOW? No?

It is NOT pretty. I have a pink eye (the right one, not meaning the opposite of the wrong one but the one on the right side of my face), my upper lip is hosting the “Cold Sore Festival” and I am pretty sure my nose will fall since it is peeling, both sides, and I used about a million tissues on it (yeah the ones with aloe but it feels more like sandpaper). My head feels like it is going to explode but then it might be just the part affected by the sinus infection although all the other parts seem to have decided to go along with the explosion idea just for the fun of it. My whole body aches immensely, not only the joints and muscles, all of it, the parts I like and the ones I don’t care much about too.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed has been pretty good the last few days, more caring than usual, more keen on making me take pills and get some rest, he even got a couple of meals home so I did not have to cook. I do find him smiling at me, a little smile that sounds like: “I told you it was brutal so now you know” but I don’t mind. He is totally right. It is BRUTAL.

So much so I am just about to drag myself back to bed … see ya when it is OVER.

1 comment:

Lizelotte said...

Oh you poor thing. Wish I was there to nurse you back to health :-) Even though it sounds like Mike is doing a fairly good job...

Psssst: dont let that nose drop - you'll look so SILLY without a nose...