Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Liberté, Equalité, Fraternité

We all spend 1/7 of our lives on Mondays so I try not to dwell on the cliché if I am having a bad Monday but alas yesterday took the cup!

I decided to get dinner done late morning, I knew the piece of meat I got the other day would require some 2 hours of slow cooking in order to taste good so I started the thing early. Braising is not on my top choices for cooking but once in a while I like to try something different. This is how I end up burning the meat, actually the whole pan!

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed asked me across our desk, “Are you cooking something? Cause if you are I think it is burning!”

He was very, very right. I did manage to salvage most of the meat and scrap the bottom of my Dutch oven until it did not show any signs of the disaster. The house smell of burnt meat for the rest of the day but He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was very nice about the whole incident.

How during the process I manage to break a tooth I still don’t know. Not just any tooth but one that will require a crown in the very near future. My only lucky break (no pun intended) was that they had someone calling sick and cancelling an appointment so I was able to go see my “miracle worker” dentist not even 3 hours after the tooth broke.

Sure it was not fun to spend an hour on that chair and I also don’t like the unplanned expense but I have to say my dentist is one of the nicest people I ever met here.

A Monday to remember was not complete before I made some American coffee; well sorry but this is how I call it. It is not necessarily bad coffee but it sure is weak. I like to leave the coffee machine ready for the next coffee, well to be exact half ready as I like to grind the grains just before I brew, but I do fill the water and place the filter ahead. Yesterday somehow I forgot I had already filled the water and did it again, never notice before I saw a weird amount of coffee ready and sure I did not use double the amount of coffee so end up with a big pot of American coffee.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed decide to make some changes in our household. We decided to reclaim our bed. Matisse is adorable but such a bed hog and lately it has been getting worse and worse, either one of both of us end up having a terrible night because our dog takes all the bed.

We knew it would not be easy but had to be done. We move the normal size crate to the bedroom, since Jack’s surgery a few months ago we gave him the extra large crate, wearing that cone around his head was terrible and the extra space made him more comfortable. The large one is so big we can fit both dogs there we think they like to have their own space. We move Jack back to the normal sized one and now we have Matisse sleeping in his crate too.

The first night was difficult; he was barking and crying a lot. The second night was a nightmare, he was barking even louder and more often. We take turns to tell him to go back to sleep, it felt a bit like being inside a movie, a bad movie. Last night he did complain a couple of times but I guess he finally is getting used to the idea. Was one of the best nights of sleep we both had in a long time.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed thinks it was a great way to start his birthday. That and the fluffy omelet I made him this morning.

I know Matisse miss his freedom, but we agree it is fairer, now both brothers sleep in their crates!

Liberté, Equalité, Fraternité.

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