Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fresh curls!

It has been a while since I felt as fresh as dew at dawn, and nope it did not happen today either but last week I had a couple of good days and I feel like I should have stop by here to tell you all about it but somehow time just slip away.

It always feels special to have a girl day out to have hair and nails done. To make it even better it is something always done with my special K, not a brand of cereal but one of my very BFF. I was in daring need of some mood boost and special K is just the one to do it for me. I cannot think of anything, apart from a magically achieved 20 pounds weight loss, that can give the same amount of oomph!

So off we went to let Jane do her magic on our hair , this time my hair magic involved a more dark chocolate brown silky color and a shorter cut, then we got a quick bite in town and got ready to have our nails and spend even more time talking about everything under the sun.

At this time of the year special K is awfully busy so it has been over a month since the last time we got together, way too long.

Friday to make the week even better we both volunteer at a fundraising wine tasting, we had a reason to get the nails done since we worked at the reception desk, getting tickets, giving change and doing the fun part that is stamping people hands with smiley faces to allow them to either the regular room or the VIP upstairs. It is quite funny how you can get such a different reaction from people, some are so nice about it and some just so weird, hey the ink will vanish with simple soap, one would think they thought it was a permanent tattoo if you see how some wince!

I was feeling specially good because I got tons of compliments due to new look since I had my hair straight, some people did not even recognize me ( that was overdoing it cause it is not like I had plastic surgery, even if I am starting to wish for it).

Today my curls are back, what makes He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed much happier since he was never a fan of my unnaturally straight hair (sometimes I think he wishes for the rain to make me more curly!), along with the curls I also welcome myself to a better mood, not sure if it is just wishful thinking but I have great hopes for this coming week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

por onde anda vc...

me escreva em