Blogby turned to me and said: Go on, write about it, you have been obsessing all day long so now is the time to get it out of your system.
I doubt I can but here it goes: I cannot stop thinking about dark chocolate covered pretzels.
They are a brand new found passion of mine, they go against all my beliefs (except the part about chocolate, I believe in chocolate even before I was born) Actually that might even be my oldest vice, far way before I got into kissing, cigarettes, wine and whiskey ( not necessarily in that order) . I love dark chocolate with a passion seldom found even in Jane Austen books. Again I digress… I got this box of dark chocolate covered pretzels, part of a wonderful Christmas gift from a very special person in my life ( nope, not the One-That-Must-Be-Obeyed). Just to make you even more envy she got me a real nice chocolate colored cardigan from Ann Taylor and also a gift card for Starbucks (this woman knows me WELL).
I open the box of pretzels with some curiosity, since I moved to US I have seen them, but they did not look like my thing, I like my “salty and crunchy” separated from my “chocolaty” stuff ( don’t you dare say I am a Virgo) . It just never happened to me before, mixing them always sound like heresy. One bite, that was all it took to get me to believe in a whole new food group. Who would have thunk?
No the purist in me, not the one that don’t like food to touch each other before they reach my fork. Yes, like my grandma said before, they are going to the same place but I prefer them to start their journey there separated.
The box did not last more than 2 days, and even that took like all my discipline (not that I have that much of it) and I only gave one single pretzel to the One-That-Must-Be-Obeyed, and even that one went with a warning “This is how much I love you”.
The pretzels came in an interesting shaped box that I thought about keeping, because the graphics look good, but since there were traces of chocolate in it I decided it would not be good to keep it. Did you write the brand name down? Nope, neither did I. Now I have been obsessing about them.
I know where they have been bought, I DID ASK HER. Check the store website, but they must have been a seasonal thingy, they are not there to be found. I keep repeating to myself that it is a GOOD thing they are gone.
I just got in a diet 10 days ago, I need to get rid of gazillions of pounds ( ok… 20 would be great and 15 will be ok)… so I definitely don’t need a box of “almost too good to be true chocolate” around.
I don’t… I don’t… I don’t … I don’t…
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago