Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I have two bleeding hearts and I am HAPPY!

It is one of those unexpected gestures that can make your day. Maybe a couple of weeks ago one of the girls from the dentist office just across the street came by  to tell me how she enjoy to look at my blooming tulips and I told her what to expect next when the iris start to bloom and the peonies and later in September dozens of giant sunflowers. Yeah, I admit I am quite proud of my garden. It is a bit on the wild side, not very planned, spur of the moment design but it does bring me pleasure. Come to think of it a good part of my garden was the fruit of someone generosity. I do buy bulbs and seeds and plants but somehow I have always been fortunate to have neighbors or even sometimes strangers offer me plants!

I think it was the very first spring we moved to this house that Marge from down the street stop by and just brought me a vase of those sunny looking little yellow flowers, she must have said the name but I never remember it. She was the very first person I met at my street and a wonderful human being. Marge passed away a couple of years ago but until now I always could look at those cute smiling faced little yellow flowers and see her in my garden. For some strange reason the original plant did not come back this year so in the same place I planted Forget-Me-Not thinking I will never forget Marge.

My iris and peonies came out of a clients house, he did not wanted them anymore and He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed knew I would love to have them so he just loaded the Jeep full of very sad looking plants as it was high summer, but they came back and every year they spread and look even more luxurious.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed has always been very good about giving me plants, at first I found it a bit odd that he refers to it as “your garden” since it is “our house” but I came to accept it graciously and just feel glad he is always willing to help me preparing flower and vegetable beds. The man sure has a way about digging!

Via free-cycle (very smart web idea) we got some day-lilies, hostas and things I don’t really know the name but they look good. I never had a green thumb, the only other color you can find my thumb is black caused by one of my various home improvement accidents, and to be honest prior to living here I hardly had planted a thing in my life. I did not even know I liked!

Both bleeding hearts plants look shell shocked but I know they will bounce back and next Spring my hearts will be “ableeding”.

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