Monday, May 26, 2008

Not a bad weekend at all!

What a glorious day!

We are having just the perfect weather and it just feels SO GOOD!

It is Memorial Day here and we will soon go see the Parade in town, I really enjoy it, somehow it reminds me of my grandpa since he was in the military. I always get a bit teary eyed when I see all those old veterans marching so proud.

Afterwards we are going to my BBF for BBQ which makes me feel we are on vacation since it is so seldom we take a day totally off work.

My little Jack seems to have recovered well from his surgery , yesterday they both got a bath and looks all clean and fluffy but now we discover Matisse has  ringworm so tomorrow a vet visit will be in order. They both need their rabies shots done so it was already known we need to take them to the vet but this added problem with the ringworm was really not in the plans.

Saturday we had a nice day, it started with breakfast at George’s, we seldom go out for breakfast but it was very good and from there we did some errands around town, which always make me feel good, somehow it just feels right to have a busy Saturday morning out!

I got my zucchini plants in the ground, they look so small but I do know they have the capability to grow like mad in no time at all. I also did some weeding and cleaning and it made me quite a bit achy but also made me feel good.  I just love this whole Spring-Summer being out in the yard thingy.

Yesterday He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed spend all day long battling with numbers and the civil engineer comments on a project we will be doing on the shore; he was not happy and actually much stressed by the time he called it a day at 8pm.

Well I better move my gorgeous and immense butt and get ready for the Parade!

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