Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bring me da color

I never sing in the shower, and for that everybody that lives in this house should be considered lucky. I do blog inside my head while I am in the shower and today I got myself thinking about the pictures I took while on the road last weekend, and realizing that those gorgeous burning bushes are like prudish New England Victorian girls, blushing in anticipation of their nakedness.

Fall here is such an amazing season, not only because the colors are fantastic but after they are gone the season still appeals to the senses and the lightest breeze can cause a symphony of running leaves. It can get quite loud, like little marathon runners, they roll down the asphalt crackling happily wherever the wind takes them.

We did got the first serious frost yesterday morning, and I was sad to see the last of the poppies lose their delicate heads and yet surprised that my daisies  are valiant braving the low temperatures and still doing their very late bloom. I am considering taking a few inside and a have a small vase on my desk. Postponing the grey days of winter is not an easy battle.

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