Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yesterday we had a pretty quiet afternoon, Jack (also known as Bug) was at his usual spot, half under my desk, and half around my chair. He likes to be close all the time and I have to be careful not to move the chair too abruptly to avoid hurting him. Suddenly he jump out of his spot and was very agitated, run to the front door, and even He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed reacted and went after him, assuming maybe he was in a hurry to go potty. But the little Bug was behaving in an odd way, doing some sort of little dance with his front legs. He would go from jumping on me to He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed and then do the funky move with his legs. He was clearly trying to tell us something. Since Matisse is the one prone to weird behavior we were both very surprised. I honestly thought he was having some sort of seizure until finally we saw this hairy black thing fall on the floor, we both mistake it for a big spider but He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was fast and step on it a second after we realize it was a huge bumblebee.

Not the cute looking one with yellow stripes but an all black fuzzy creature.

We still have no clue how it happened, meaning Jack had been at my feet for over an hour just snoozing. I am assuming he did not bring the bumblebee with him but rather it had enter the office using one of the two holes in the screens and somehow it got to his paw.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed took both dogs for a walk to give Jack time to calm down.  I check his paws and did not see any swollen spots and he does not look to be in any pain so life goes back to normal.

Now I wish we had the little dance on video, sure I was worried about him and everything happened so fast there was no time to think about capturing the whole thing on camera but I truly wish I could show my Bug doing his “I’m NOT a bee keeper” dance!

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