Saturday, March 29, 2008

My name is Bobbi Boe and I am bread maniac

I know it has been happening a bit too often lately, but I truly love to bake bread (mmm,kay I confess I also love eating the fresh of the oven goodness ). The last batch is just a simple recipe for dinner rolls, with some poppy seeds and sesame seeds on them. They will not be a favorite recipe, I have another recipe that delivers a much nicer roll, but alas I was in the mood for trying something and having just one envelop of yeast kinda put a damp one the other two recipes I have intentions to try.

I did remember to take pictures before I try the first roll. Taking the photos was no easy task because Matisse is also a bread lover so I had to use just one hand while trying to keep him away from the basket.

Yesterday we got our stained glass window back from our fantastic friend that redo the glaze for us, now He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed just need to paint it (I would do it but somehow this end up being his project so I am keeping my busy fingers away) and then we can hang it in front of the kitchen window.

Our friend is also a fan of bread and this is yet another reason I decided to bake today, although now that I am not that happy with the result I am not sure I will give him those, maybe I will buy stuff and make the brioche again.

The house smells so delicious (partly because I also did some serious cleaning earlier today) and even my boys are a good smelling bunch after they got baths. They now are my Vanilla Bean Boys since He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed bought a new shampoo for them. At first I was worried it would be too sweet a smell but the vanilla is very subtle and all in all they just smell very clean.

The sun is still shinning, actually it was a glorious day, still cold but gorgeous, makes me even more impatient for spring temperatures. I did check my herb garden and there is not much there, I am afraid the rosemary is not coming back this year and neither the tarragon. I can always count on my oregano and chives; they are so hardy and wide spread that even harsh winters don’t do them much damage.

I am feeling pretty good about finishing a work thingy, just a boring job but it needed to be done and now it is, at least my part of it. Now all I need is some inspiration to come up with a nice dinner.

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