Monday, September 1, 2008

and I think I should!

This weekend has been exceeding any of my expectations!

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was in a great mood Saturday morning and proposed breakfast at George’s, seems like we have doing it a lot more often and I assure you no one here is complaining.

We had a lovely breakfast and when we were leaving George’s I mentioned that I was disappointed my fried Gail had to work because I wanted to take advantage of a $20.00 I got from Kohl’s and get a new pair of sneakers, since I got back to the gym and mine are showing some serious signs of wear and tear.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed turned to me and said: “If you want I can take you there right now”, I had to look closer to be sure it was my husband, I almost asked him what have him done to the guy I am married, the one that has an extreme allergy to all things connected with shopping. I thought better of it and just accepted the offer graciously, promising not to take advantage of such nice offer.

I have to say for the past 3 days he has been in some sort of let’s start celebrating your birthday in advance mode, which pleases me to no end.

Later on the same day we did some grocery shopping and I dare to indulge myself to a lobster, got it steamed right there at the grocery store and made sure to buy He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed a nice steak since he is not into any seafood stuff. We had a delicious dinner and watched a movie, felt like dating with the advantage of not having to drive to different houses.

Yesterday we had a surprise visit that made my boys extraordinarily happy. It was the very first time they had a “girl” come play with them. Megan was in town and she brought Princess to play with the boys. She had been here once before but it was a 15 minutes visit, sure included sniffing around all parts but it was raining so we never made to the backyard. Princess is an adorable bulldog around 7 or 8 months old, very used to being around other dogs since she goes to dog-camp.

Matisse was adorable around her, very gentle, interested but not annoying, Jack took his time to accept the visitor, he was not so sure what was that about but after 15 minutes they were all playing nicely on our backyard. We had a couple of hours of fun; I just love to see them all interact.

He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed accepted an invitation for us to go to da Capo for dinner and keep Megan company since her hubby is busy at their kitchen, him being the restaurant chef. I was almost in shock since I did not think he would like to go so soon, we have been there last Thursday, but again I suspect it has to be connected with celebrating my birthday in advance mode.

Today there were some plans to go with Megan to the Country Fair but she decided to spend more time with her husband before she has to head back to Pennsylvania.

Did I mention that the weather is just about spectacular? I am almost afraid to brag in case the gods might get jealous and think I have been having too much fun.

I know Gustav will do some damage down south but around here it has been the best weekend of all summer. Today I spent most of my time just doing stuff that needed to be done, including weeding the front garden and ironing tons of clothes but I even made it to the gym and got my 4 miles of exercise, so all in all I  FEEL GOOD!

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